Interesting that green lantern is Venus, his power is will. Love under will, Venus being that planet of love makes it come together. I’m interested in hearing how you think the newer planets fit into the system of 7, does this mark a change in the archetypes via the new aeon? Or should we side line them, learn the basics first, and incorporate new planets in later?

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Haven't fully comprehended the new planets honestly. I'm working on it.

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7 divisions of 1 will always be the same, just like 2 divisions, 3, 4 etc. All 7 things are similar.

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here's something I've always found strange. As a kid, everyone's favorite day was Friday. This never made sense to me, because the reasoning was "well it's the day right before the weekend". If Friday's only good because of its closeness to the Weekend, then shouldn't Saturday or Sunday be the favorite? Now that I'm older though, I think I get it. It's not so much about the object itself as it is the desire. And this ties pretty neatly in with the analysis. What's gold useful for? Well, it's a good investment, it's good money; money that is then used to live a pleasant life. However, many choose Gold over a pleasant life, Friday over the weekend, beauty over patience.

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This is really good I have been thinking about ritual work for each day of the week with Norse gods. However I must say as just some feed back, a little disappointment with the superhero’s as you recognize yourself some are a stretch. Nonetheless I don’t care about superhero’s so I don’t really care but , very cool work!

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So that's why they used a pentagon.

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“Every nursery rime contains profound magical secrets” - fantastic.

Excellent deconstruction of The Seven represented here. You also allude to the significance in certain traditions about the number 8.

Is there any relation to “The Nine” that have been documented and ‘contacted’ by many over the decades?

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I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.

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