Mommy GF Analysis
If you spend a bit of time looking at memes, you will quickly notice certain trends in romance. The Mommy GF meme is an essential digital desire. While the roots of the mommy gf lay deep in our primordial origins, the current incarnation has a few major elements. She is the IDEAL girlfriend, one who is caring and comforting, emotionally and physically. She embraces you completely, and ensures you are well. She has the physique of an old fertility idol. She has no needs of her own, no past of her own, she exists solely in relation to the desirer.
Who is it then, that desires the Mommy GF? Young men who use the internet, and there’s a pretty strong chance that means YOU buster. So let’s dig in to why you desire her.
No video exploring the idea of a “Mommy GF” would be complete without Sigmund Freud, the mommy gf meme is proof for a massive cultural Oedipus complex, in the flesh. To which you’ll think “Well akshully, Freud has been discredited”, but hear me out, let’s take away all the preconceived notions you’ve had about what the Oedipus Complex is, and see what you think!
To start, THE mother is not YOUR mom. Just like THE father, is not YOUR dad. They are dynamic forces in our lives, ones that comfort, and provide boundaries. When you are a child, you want to feel safe and comfortable, this is generally provided by your mother, when it is time to mature, often, you will be weaned off, of not just milk, but complete attention and affection as well. Things will be expected of you, you will have responsibilities, choices. The father often provides this “reality check” that life is not just comfort and pleasure. This is the basic foundation of the Oedipus Complex. When the child is not given boundaries, they will happily remain in their infantile state indefinitely. Here is where we find the modern man.
Your mother is video games, the internet, comfort food, toys and collectibles. These all serve to keep you comfortable, and keep you stagnant. You can progress infinitely into the game, endlessly into the web, and eat like you have a hole in your gut, but none of this will move you through life. You remain stuck, at home, in your mothers grasp.
The reasons for this are many, but the general theme is that the suffering and pain of reality are too great for the individual, so they become introverted. They no longer strive for the outside, but satisfy themselves in an internal world of fantasy.
Jung describes this perfectly:
“The incest motif is bound to arise, because when the regressing libido is introverted it always reactivates the parental imagos and thus re-establishes the infantile relationship.
But this relationship cannot be re-established, because the libido is an adult libido which is already bound to sexuality and inevitably imports an incompatible, incestuous character into the reactivated relationship to the parents. It is this sexual character that now gives rise to the incest symbolism.”
-Symbols of Transformation
and here, at the point where the young man turns inward, we find the incestuous seed of the Mommy GF. She is not like your real mom, she’s your “Other Mother”. One who has no flaws, and is sexy.
This is of course, a state of arrested development, particularly of the Eros, or the sense of romance, the relation to the Anima. Rather than growing and maturing, this regression inward produces the Anima of a young child, Jung describes it so "he hopes to be caught, sucked in, enveloped, and devoured. He seeks, as it were, the protecting, nourishing, charmed circle of the mother, the condition of the infant released from every care”
If you watch my videos regularly, you will recognize that I’m describing the Archetypal Devouring Mother, and how she appears in memes and personal life.
But let’s look at relationships for a sec, the Mommy GF is not relegated solely to the realm of memes, in fact, this dynamic is becoming normal! What is often thought of as “soy” or “reddit” or whatever moral, memey titles are given to it, is in fact a simple Oedipal relationship. A mutual conspiracy between adults to avoid reality in a cocoon of childish games and products. These relationships are typified by a lack of real “masculinity”, but we need to look at the subversion of maternal instincts as well, and not just “not having kids” or “having pets instead of kids” but how willing many young women are to keep boyfriends as little sons!
When you look at relationships through the popular and ridiculous meme lens, you will moralize about these things, rather than recognizing how they function psychologically.
Let’s look at the aesthetic inverse of this dynamic, the “Trad”relationship, upheld by many as a solution to the glaring flaws in modern dating. But what do we find in the trad wife? An “ideal mother” a submissive, comforting, caring woman, who exists in sole relation to the desirer. The aesthetics are the only thing that shifted. Rather than switches and puppers, we find cottage core and sewing. The unconscious forces at play in these relationships, quite simply do not give a fuck about whether you are “trad”or “soy”. They exist to enervate your libido. To ensure that you never individuate and reach beyond meager familial cycles, to pacify your Will.
To return to the meme itself, in it’s immaterial aspect, we are met with a portrait of the Digital Anima. The desire for the Mommy GF is really a desire to materialize the dynamic you are already caught in. The one between young people and the collective devouring mother, the internet, the one that sucks you in, envelopes you, protects you, and ultimately devours you. You are already suckling on the big mommy milkers. The manifold manifestations of her, beyond just the Mommy GF meme, but in the waifu, the preference people have for fictional two dimensional forms, which can’t hurt you, the hatred and misogyny that arise from consistent failures that occur in reality, and the feeling of security and safety one feels when they return home, back online. Back where they belong.
To be clear, the answer to overcoming the mother does not lie in the hatred of her, nor in worshiping and becoming your father. There is only one, extraordinarily narrow and dangerous path to overcoming your incestuous stagnation, that is individuation, the path of the Hero. You must become what you are. To remember that thou hast no right but to do what thou wilt.
I am reminded of a passage in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, one that I hope will enlighten you as it did me: O son, whatever you see, however terrifying it is, recognize it as your own projection; recognize it as luminosity, the natural radiance of your own mind. If you recognize in this way, you will become a buddha at that very moment, there is no doubt. What is called perfect instantaneous enlightenment will arise on the spot.
O son of noble family, if you do not recognize now and are still afraid, all the peaceful deities will appear in the form of Mahakala, and all the wrathful deities will appear in the form of the Dharma King, the Lord of Death, and you will wanter in samsara with all your projections turned into demons.
O son of noble family if you do not recognize your own projections, even though you have practiced dharma for an aeon and are learned in all the sutras and tantras, you will not become a buddha. But if you recognize your projections, with one secret and one word you will become a buddha.”
Memes are these projections of our unconscious. If we can recognize them, we will ascend. If we remain in the illusion, they will haunt you as demons. These concepts that I provide, the digital anima, and other monsters, these are demons that must be recognized as a product of our own souls. Individuation is the process of taking these horrific figures, and accepting them as our own.
If you can recognize this, then you know already, that memes matter.
This video is essentially a prologue to my case study series, this motif, of the individual who becomes trapped in the infantile world of illusions will be a major one, especially in the incestuous relationship between Barb Chandler and Chris Chan.
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I think this is a good analysis from an abstract view, but it lacks the visceral emotion felt by people in the throes of addiction. To experience that check out: